Trakya University continues to prove its quality internationally. Our university, which attaches importance to continuous improvement, has achieved another success in the accreditation processes in order to raise the standards in education and to achieve international quality. Trakya University School of Foreign Languages, which aims at differentiating international education and teaching standards by giving importance to quality in foreign language education has been accredited by “Pearson Assured”, which is the world's leading impartial and independent authorization body, with experience in education in more than a hundred countries. The administrative and academic staff of the School of Foreign Languages, gave comprehensive information to Rector Dr.Erhan Tabakoğlu about the accreditation process and its operation by sharing their roles and responsibilities in the process.
Trakya University School of Foreign Languages Accreditation Project Director and Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Sevinç Sakarya Maden made a speech on the process by stating “Since the foundation of Trakya University School of Foreign Languages, the quality assurance, internationalization and accreditation were among the most important issues in the long term between 2005-2018, when I was the director of the school. In this line, the accreditation process we initiated on 02 July 2018 was successfully completed in a short period of 6 months. With this certificate, the qualifications obtained by the students will have a greater academic and professional validity and will enable them to pursue their careers in the United States, UK, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. In addition, students who receive certificates will have a significant advantage in terms of school admissions, job applications and careers in the regions mentioned in this document.” The Rector of Trakya University Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu also marked that “Trakya University School of Foreign Languages, which has the right to be accredited, has proven that it offers an internationally recognized and internationally qualified education in foreign language. The Pearson Assured Certificate serves as an important certificate in improving the foreign language quality of our students while improving the reliability and competence related to the academic and administrative structure of the School of Foreign Languages. Being accredited in quality processes has significant advantages. We observe similar goals and strategies in YÖK, where they also follow accreditation chapters in their guides playing an important role in the choice of these candidates. The School of Foreign Languages believed that it could accomplish this goal, it worked hard and achieved this noteworthy admission for our university. Trakya University strengthens its international recognition day by day. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the accreditation works.”