International Hydrogen Technologies Congress, organized by National Hydrogen Technologies was hosted by Trakya University between 20 and 23 June 2019. 4th International Hydrogen Technology Conference provided opportunity for researchers and scientist to discuss current works and developments. From Turkey and the World more than 100 participants attended the congress of academics and industry, representatives gave their support by informing on hydrogen energy technologies on all issues of concern by poster presentations. In the opening ceremony of the congress, attended, Trakya University Rector Prof.Dr. Erhan Tabakoglu, who also serves as Honorary President, Edirne Deputy Mayor Yaver Tetik, Trakya University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof.Dr.Yilmaz Can, Turkey's National Hydrogen Association President Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dinçer, President of Congress Prof.Dr. Semiha Öztuna and many other academicians from Turkey and abroad.
In her opening speech, Prof.Dr. Semiha Öztuna stated that they hosted a very intensive and comprehensive event. She also stated that there have been exciting developments in the world in the field of hydrogen energy technologies. “Hydrogen technologies have already proven themselves in terms of their reliability, duration and efficiency.
While he was continuing his studies in Miami, United States, Prof.Dr. Cem Uzun said that he had the chance to meet Prof. Dr. Nejat Veziroğlu, and share his thoughts with him, Prof Dr. Cem Uzun said that “Professor Dr. Nejat Veziroglu, who is a key figure in the living source of many scientists in the country, especially in Turkey occurred alongside a successful scientist known all over the world”.
Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu started his speech by giving information about the city of Edirne and Trakya University, Prof.Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu also said that they are happy to host an international event. During his speech Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu said “Energy is one of the most important vital sources of all living things. Nowadays, as the current energy sources are increasingly consumed, the importance of the substances seen as the energy sources of the future is increasing, and hydrogen has taken its place among the valuable energy sources of the future among the diversity of different methods, techniques and energy acquisition. It is very pleasing that a topic suitable for discussion, exchange of ideas and research will be handled by competent names in a scientific platform established at Trakya University. I hope that this congress will benefit the evaluation of our country's energy needs and demands and provide positive results in meeting our future needs and enlighten the path of scientists.”
Following the opening speeches, the 4th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress continued with the presentations of invited speakers and continued for 3 days with sessions in different halls in the Balkan Congress Center.